Some of you have been asking me this week about which educational podcasts I listen to, so I thought I would put up a quick post with some of the details and links.

Podcasts can be a great way to keep up to date. You can select topic specific podcasts, or choose to listen to monthly updates covering the latest in evidence based medicine. The world really is your oyster. CPD on the move!

First up is http://theresusroom.co.uk/

The Resus Room website states the following:

At its heart TheResusRoom is a podcast based site which can either be accessed by the webpage or via iTunes here. At least twice a month we will bring you podcasts on a variety of Emergency Medicine topics that you’ll use every day in and around the resus room, centered around evidenced based medicine and with reference to national and international guidelines. In addition we are now moving towards multidisciplinary authors and topics with our blog. This will cover PHEM, EM, ITU, Anaesthesia and Acute Care topics via a small group of superb authors.

This week I've listened to the Trauma care 2018 podcast - a great update, including use of TXA and NICE Trauma Guidance.

Next: https://dontforgetthebubbles.com/svt-in-infants-at-dftb17/

Don't forget the bubbles is a fantastic site discussing all things paediatric. This is not just ED focused, but most of the site and podcasts are highly relevant to those working in the ED

The link above is to a talk I've listened to this week discussing SVT in paeds - great learning!

The RCEM Learning site also has great podcasts, as well as other eLearning resources. For those of you new to the ED, there is a fantastic set of induction resources


My last top tip for great podcasts is the St. Emlyn's gang from Manchester. 


I've recently listened to the St. Emlyn's podcast on Debriefing in Critical Care - highly recommended.

Hope this little list helps. Let me know if you listen to something great, and if you do make sure you share your learning with your colleagues!
